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Server Informations

Safe Enchant: +5
Max Simple/Blessed +20 
Max Crystal +25 
Simple Scrolls 50%
Blessed Scrolls 100%
Crystal Scrolls 100%

Top Grade Life Stone Chance: 20%
All  Actives + 1 Passive
Removed chance and magic attack skills


Epic Weapons
Apella Armors 

Epic Wings

Custom Tattoo * 3 Levels *
Custom Npcs
Custom Raidbosses


You can find out more in-game!

Our Server provides stucksubs mode
Main class + 1

In order to get nobless you need to kill Barakiel
Our raidbosses fully working
Vote rewards 
Active Gm - Team

Custom Events
Weekend crazy rates

VIP Status 
VIP x3 Drops
Custom Pvp/Pk Colors!

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